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The Christmas Proof by Tenesha L. Curtis (Astanna)

Buy The Christmas Proof now!

Is chasing her dreams worth missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime love? Read this spicy, small-town novella about a reader falling in love with her favorite author! Readers describe The Christmas Proof as ‘spicy,’ ‘cute,’ and ‘sweet.’ Astanna|Amazon|Goodreads|BookBub

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Book Design for Beginners

How to avoid rookie cover and book design mistakes that many new authors make.

Friday, May 10th, 2024

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My training bundles cover various aspects of the book development process and include video, graphics, text, exercises, and worksheets to help you learn and hone new skills.

Hire Write

This training bundle is all about how to find, vet, and hire quality professionals to become part of your book development team. If you do a solid job the first time through, you can continue the remainder of your literary career rarely ever having to hire new people.

Get it from Patreon | Get it from Writerwerx University.

The Five Ps of Premise Prep

Two hours of watching, reading, and writing to get your book idea refined in preparation for outlining and / or writing. Just under 594 MB.

Get it from Patreon. | Get it from Writerwerx University.


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My last release was…

Paid subscribers will get access to it early and for free!

Spicy | Small Town | Soul Mates | Secret Identity | Bookish Couple

A Hallmark-esque You’ve Got Mail meets a modern adaptation of Mackenzie’s Mountain in North Georgia with a spoonful of spice.

♥ Secret Identity

♥ Celebrity Crush

♥ Soul Mates

After her mother’s cancer goes into remission, Kasa is finally ready to move away from her parents and meet up with her best friend in Atlanta so they can chase their childhood dreams together.

But when the celebrity author who she’s been in love with since she was a teenager (and whose fan club she’s been the president of for just as long) waltzes into the grocery store where she works, her life takes a turn that knocks her off course in all the best ways.

The Christmas Proof is a slow-paced, low-stakes romantic novella with a spicy center.

Read it now!


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You can review my latest Beta Reader campaign and sign up for it if it sounds like the kind of book you usually like reading.

ARC REVIEWERS: Read and leave a review for a free copy of the finished book that you get earlier than the general public get copies of my books that are ready for publication.

Being an alpha, beta, or ARC reviewer works best if you are:

  1. A member of the book’s target audience. If you mostly read crime thrillers, being asked to read a romantic comedy probably isn’t going to go well for you or me. If you know a book isn’t your cup of tea, or you aren’t open-minded and willing to give it a fair shake, don’t waste your own time by signing up for that particular project. Wait until something that better fits your reading patterns comes along.
  2. Free enough to read the book relatively quickly. You don’t have to get it all read in a single night, or even a week. But getting the book read and submitting your reaction / publishing your review onto sales platforms within 30 days is a reason time frame for most books and most people’s schedules. If you know that you’re too busy with school, work, parenting, caregiving, or some other massively time-consuming stuff, it’s okay to pass on a project because you simply don’t have the time. Don’t wear yourself thin by adding the reading to your already-full plate!
  3. A regular user of book review and sales sites if you’re an ARC reviewer. Bookbub, Amazon, Audible, and Goodreads are great examples. If you don’t have profiles on these sites, you can create them for the first time when you’re ready to review an ARC. But taking on an ARC without having these kinds of profiles, and with no intent on creating any, puts severe limitations on how supportive you can be with your review. You can send the review directly to the author, share it as a post on social media, and share it with your blog followers / newsletter subscribers if you have them, but that’s about it.

Go to the ARC request form.